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We are bored to be working alone, fighting alone, and shocking alone. We know creativity is better when shared. We crave a healthy yet fashionable lifestyle. We want bespoke and create our own style. We are destined to be unique yet we love come Chum us!


Chum ♥ Kings of Convenience

Come get Declaration of Dependence at Chum Market
Indie > Acoustic > Folk
Kings of Convenience
Declaration of Dependence

Hey baby, 他们回来了!这支来自瑞典的乐团Kings of Convenience,我们喜欢称他们为便利双王。不是吗?两个男生、二人谐音、两把吉他就可以浪迹天涯弹唱人生。和音和吉他完美和谐地融在一起,是最简单直接的享受, 哪有民歌摇滚流行曲过时之论。乍听之下让人想起Simon & Garfunkel,但是便利双王完全属于我们这个贪图快速和便利的时代。哦,差点忘记提醒你,便利双王即将于3月21日假吉隆坡Bentley Music Auditorium举办演唱。就让自己没那么复杂,沉淀下来听听好音乐。
Chum Choice: Hey baby, it's Superb to have them back after 5 years. Get Declaration of Dependence at Chum Market!


  1. KOC is the best Scandinavian band! Love them forever~

  2. I bought this album from Chum Market. Chum Market provides different music choice than mass. Check it out!
